
The e-VBS is a team of teenagers who produce a Christian teen chat show called 'The e-VBS' and other segments too.
Our aim is to spread the love of God to our generation by exploring some of life's hardest questions.
'Helping you steer your life, towards the light!'
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Saturday 5 February 2011

Our country needs God!

William Wilberforce (1759-1833), a member of the British Parliament said that his hope for Britain depended "not so much on her navies and armies, nor on the wisdom of her rulers, as on the persuasion that she still contains many who love and obey the gospel of Christ, that their prayers may prevail"

Many decades ago, the British empire was the most powerful in the world; the British were just flourishing! But why is their wealth, blessing and power diminishing? As time changes, people change...the once religious, Christian country although still Christian in its name isn't Christian in its nature; secularisation is spreading widely as many turn away from God to follow worldly pleasures. What Wilberforce said, is so true! The country used to prosper as she used to fear God, now she goes down hill as she fails to please God.

As I walk down the street what do I see: Celebrity worship(these celebrities do the craziest things); weekends drinking in the pub, rebuking street evangelists; Churches being turned into other religious worship places, pubs, cinemas and lodges. I see a lot more disturbing images too... Is this what God wants? Is this what God likes?

We see in the Bible that Israel also turned away from God, we all do as people! But they had people in authority who feared God and spoke God's word to them. They had people like Wilberforce who made Israel understand the root of her success and take away the pride that blinded their eyes from seeing God! Pride and self-righteousness is growing in our world, in our countries, but how do we tackle it? Do something to show people the root of their existence, the root of their success! People depend on intellect and their own selfish desires not on God - once that changes and a revival comes, we will be able to see God at work more and more.

Let us pray for people like Wilberforce to speak up in our country; lets pray that God will touch and soften the hard hearts of our loved ones - so that our nation might be able to serve God and glorify His name. Remember, when God did great things for Israel, nations around feared the Lord God of Israel!
Like Americans say,  let us also say , together, "God bless our world!"

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